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Find out which energy center is your point of balance.

Planetary Energy Test

Each energy center corresponds to the quality of one planet in your natal chart. The natal chart is our energy matrix, revealing how energies within us interact through the symbolism of the planets. It also reveals our greatest potentials as well as obstructing mechanisms.

This test provides you with insight into the current balance of your energy centers.

The test includes 30 questions, and you will need 5 minutes, on average, to answer them.

Rate the truthfulness of each statement by marking the least truthful one (I do not have that kind of problem) with 1, and the most truthful (I experience this very intensely and strongly) with 10.

Statements refer to your current situation, or situations that keep repeating.

Some statements will have opposite claims, because they refer to an imbalance in the same energy center, either as a surplus or deficiency. If one part of a claim is true, while the other is not, mark this claim for the part that does refer to you.

After you answer all of the test questions, you will receive information about the current state of balance of your energy centers, with an emphasis on the center that is the most out of balance, as well as our suggestion for what to do to return to balance.

1. Question

I have a thyroid gland problem.

I do not have that kind of problem
I experience this very intensely and strongly
2. Question

My speech is limited or over-emphasized.

I do not have that kind of problem
I experience this very intensely and strongly
3. Question

I suffer from some kind of a heart problem, breathing problem or allergies.

I do not have that kind of problem
I experience this very intensely and strongly
4. Question

I am prone to depression.

I do not have that kind of problem
I experience this very intensely and strongly
5. Question

My mind works too fast compared to other people, so I often interrupt them or everything becomes too boring, so I switch off.

I do not have that kind of problem
I experience this very intensely and strongly
6. Question

I often don't feel safe or I feel like my boundaries are violated (threatened).

I do not have that kind of problem
I experience this very intensely and strongly
7. Question

I have very sensitive senses (sight, sound, smell, touch...) so I often overreact to things around me – sounds, smells, other people's emotions – and it often overwhelms me and tires me.

I do not have that kind of problem
I experience this very intensely and strongly
8. Question

I tend to attract dangerous people and/or situations into my life.

I do not have that kind of problem
I experience this very intensely and strongly
9. Question

I often feel tension and anxiety in my body, as if I am too charged and/or hyperactive, feeling great restlessness.

I do not have that kind of problem
I experience this very intensely and strongly
10. Question

With certain people I develop an unexplained and overly dependent emotional relationship.

I do not have that kind of problem
I experience this very intensely and strongly
11. Question

I often feel lonely and isolated.

I do not have that kind of problem
I experience this very intensely and strongly
12. Question

I am quick to spot other people's mistakes or faults, and I can sometimes even be very critical. Many people would consider me to be an analyst or even a strong critic.

I do not have that kind of problem
I experience this very intensely and strongly
13. Question

I was (or currently am) in love relationships that I still have trouble recovering from.

I do not have that kind of problem
I experience this very intensely and strongly
14. Question

I fear my own energy and therefore strongly control it.

I do not have that kind of problem
I experience this very intensely and strongly
15. Question

I have a hard time saying “no” to people.

I do not have that kind of problem
I experience this very intensely and strongly
16. Question

I doubt I will get help from a Higher Power in situations in which it is definitely needed.

I do not have that kind of problem
I experience this very intensely and strongly
17. Question

I suffer from phobias and/or irrational fears (from invisible forces, entities or my own frightening fantasies).

I do not have that kind of problem
I experience this very intensely and strongly
18. Question

I often suffer from poor memory and I forget things quickly.

I do not have that kind of problem
I experience this very intensely and strongly
19. Question

I have great ideas and visions, but it is hard for me to make them happen.

I do not have that kind of problem
I experience this very intensely and strongly
20. Question

It is hard for me to accept any sort of criticism, or I have a hard time telling others what bothers me when they are concerned.

I do not have that kind of problem
I experience this very intensely and strongly
21. Question

I tend to behave obsessively toward people or things (with great focus and/or intensity of energy) or I have absolutely no will (total apathy).

I do not have that kind of problem
I experience this very intensely and strongly
22. Question

I suffer from a lack of energy and chronic exhaustion.

I do not have that kind of problem
I experience this very intensely and strongly
23. Question

I would rather agree with others than draw attention or create conflict.

I do not have that kind of problem
I experience this very intensely and strongly
24. Question

My life purpose is unclear.

I do not have that kind of problem
I experience this very intensely and strongly
25. Question

It has been a long time since I felt inner peace and serenity.

I do not have that kind of problem
I experience this very intensely and strongly
26. Question

I suffer from digestive problems and bloating or hypoglycemia (sugar imbalance).

I do not have that kind of problem
I experience this very intensely and strongly
27. Question

I am prone to disturbances of body rhythm and an accelerated function of certain body parts, such as tachycardia (accelerated heartbeat) or the pulsating of some body part or spasm, or I have the feeling that something is “stabbing” me.

I do not have that kind of problem
I experience this very intensely and strongly
28. Question

I often feel that it is hard to survive in this world and I worry for the material aspect of my survival.

I do not have that kind of problem
I experience this very intensely and strongly
29. Question

I change moods quickly.

I do not have that kind of problem
I experience this very intensely and strongly
30. Question

I have problems with my reproductive organs (ovaries, uterus, infertility, endometriosis, prostate).

I do not have that kind of problem
I experience this very intensely and strongly

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